4 Qul (4 قل) APP
Surah al-Kafirun (سورة الكافرون)
Surah al-Ikhlas (سورة الاخلاص)
Surah al-Falaq (سورة الفلق)
Surah al-Naas (سورة الناس)
All the 4 Surahs begin with the word “Qul” (قل) means … “Say”.
4 Qul is well known and it the most read and listened by Muslims. It is known as the shielding chapters in the Qur'an, that comprises of four extremely short surahs. When these recited properly from the heart and not rushed provides us an abundance of safety and relief from hardship.
⦁ Dark mode
⦁ Counter
⦁ English Translation
⦁ English Transliteration
⦁ Urdu Translation
⦁ Offline read and play audio
⦁ Customizable font size
⦁ 5 different fonts